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Release Semver

The release semver command is a way of managing project release cycles with semantic visioning. The idea is to put this command in your CI pipeline and it will handle your visioning. It will get the next version from your commits since the last release and work out if it should be a major minor or patch.

The release process is:

  1. Create and populate your
  2. Update package files
  3. Create a release commit
  4. Create a release tag
  5. Push to the remote
  6. Create a Gitlab release


You will need to configure the secrets and git provided before creating your release. You can find more about that on the Release Config Page

Below is a example job you can put into your .gitlab-ci.yaml. It will create a new release with every push to the master branch

  stage: release
    GIT_EMAIL: [email protected]
    GIT_USER: Gitbot
    GIT_STRATEGY: clone
    - git config --global "$GIT_EMAIL"
    - git config --global "$GIT_USER"
    - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
    - conventional-tools release-semver
    - master

You can configure your tag prefix in your .ctrc.yml. The default prefix is v and will create the tag like v1.0.0. The below config will now create a tag like release/1.0.0

  tagPrefix: release/

Force Bump

You can force a bump by passing the target release into your release command. The three valid options are major, minor and patch.

conventional-tools release-semver patch

If your current tag is v1.2.3 you will get the below outcomes:

  • major: v2.0.0
  • minor: v1.3.0
  • patch: v1.2.4

Pre Release

You can managing pre releases with semver. This can be done like forcing a bump. You can pass alpha, beta or rc into the command to create a pre release. Again if your current version is v1.2.3

# This will generate v1.2.3-alpha.0
conventional-tools release-semver alpha

# If we run that command again we will get v1.2.3-alpha.1
conventional-tools release-semver alpha
  • alpha: v1.2.4-alpha.0
  • beta: v1.2.4-beta.0
  • rc: v1.2.4-rc.0

Package Files

When releasing with semver the release command will automatically update common config files. The supported config files are listed below.

  • package.json
  • composer.json