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The changelog command populate a file with the changes from the git history biased on the conventional commit standard. For more infomation on commits in conventional tools you can see the commitlint page.

To generate a changelog you can run the command with the new version. The tag prefix is added for you from the .ctrc.yaml file you can read more about this on the release semver command

conventional-tools changelog 0.0.1

To create a scoped changelog you can use the -s flag this will create a change log with scoped tag format. In the below example this would be [email protected]

conventional-tools changelog 2020.05.05 -s live

Changelogs are filtered to the current working directory. So to generate a changelog on a subset of the repository you can cd into that directory and run the command from there. This is useful when working with mono repository's and you have many sub packages.